CCHAT's Impact Report | October 2020

A Letter From Our Executive Director and Board Chair

Thank you! 2020 has been a very challenging year with the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever, we are so grateful for the community that has funded, volunteered, celebrated and advocated for the CCHAT Center through the years. At a time when everything feels uncertain, we find comfort and encouragement knowing that you care about our cause.
While much of the world has stopped, our mission of teaching children who are deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) to listen and talk will not be placed on pause. The forthcoming pages highlight our year. Following direction and guidance from public agencies, the CCHAT Center closed its doors to in-person learning on Friday, March 13,2020. On Monday, March 16, all children were seamlessly transitioned to a virtual-learning platform, which addressed the unique equity and access challenges for children with hearing loss participating in distance learning.
While we cannot predict what the pandemic landscape will look like, we are prepared to provide the structure and connections necessary for students and staff to continue the important work of developing listening, spoken language and academic skills.
On behalf of all of us at the CCHAT Center, thank you for being a part of our community. The work we do is funded through the generosity of individuals, corporations, foundations and community organizations. It is with this support that we are able to give families the option of spoken language... an option which is truly life changing. We wish you and your family health, safety and happiness and want you to know that together, we can overcome all things.

CCHAT Audiology Department
54 Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Screenings
400 Patients Served
200 Device Appointments
Early detection of hearing loss is crucial to the long-term success of children who are DHH. CCHAT's audiology department aims to provide timely hearing health services to help mitigate the negative impacts of hearing loss on speech/language acquisition, academic achievement and social/emotional development.
It is vital to ensure that our students have working technology, such as hearing aids, cochlear implants and assistive devices. This enables CCHAT to provide our students with access to classroom curriculum that equals that of their typical-hearing peers.
In 2019-2020, CCHAT Served...

Each day, students at CCHAT receive classroom instruction and speech therapy. They also participate in a daily music session, which helps develop language nuances including rhythm, pitch and tempo.
CCHAT also serves children with typical hearing, generally siblings of students with hearing loss enrolled at CCHAT, who attend the school and serve as language models in the classroom.
Mainstream Support & School Program

Deaf Mentor Services

This year, CCHAT launched its DHH Mentorship Program. These services are essential in supporting DHH families. Most CCHAT families share a similar story. When first learning their newborn baby or toddler is DHH, there is often uncertainty regarding their child's future. Over 90% of these children are born to hearing parents who use spoken language, and most have never experienced hearing loss within their family. DHH Mentors are vital members of any Early Intervention team for families of children with hearing loss. CCHAT’s DHH Mentorship Program is staffed by employees with hearing loss who have been formally trained to provide information and support to families so they can successfully navigate the listening and spoken language journey. Dominique Smith (CCHAT Alum) and Dr. Katie Isbell (CCHAT Audiologist) have lived experience and understand the challenges often associated with hearing loss as well as strategies for success.
"When you receive the diagnosis of “hearing loss” as a parent to a newborn, your world is turned upside down. Every wish and hope for a normal life for your baby is questioned in your mind. You just want to know that everything is going to be OK. This is when a relationship with a deaf mentor like Dominique is critical. During one of our conversations, I found out she was born deaf and bilaterally implanted like my 2-year-old son. I was astonished. My worry for my child to speak someday lifted. I firmly believe every parent with a child who is DHH needs a mentor like Dominique in their life to see the amazing future ahead!" - Jen Borgatti, CCHAT mom
Distance Learning
CCHAT transitioned to a Distance Learning program on March 16 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students continued to receive classroom instruction and speech therapy sessions remotely, as well as daily enrichment in the form of music, Yoga and P.E.

Virtual Fundraisers
CCHAT fundraising efforts continued in a virtual realm. CCHAT Uncorked took place through YouTube and featured online auctions and the recognition of the CCHAT Champion (Krista Rey) and CCHAT Volunteers of the Year (Erika and Steve Fatula). CCHAT achieved its most lucrative Uncorked fundraiser ever and also raised its largest Big Day of Giving total in May.

2019-2020 CCHAT Board of Directors

Originally a CCHAT Parent, Anne Harry joined the CCHAT Board in 2005 and has been a passionate supporter of our mission ever since. We wish her all the best in her next endeavor!

CCHAT Sponsors
CCHAT is grateful to have the support of many community partners. Some local agencies and organizations that support CCHAT include the California Highway Patrol, Sac Metro Fire, Rancho Cordova Police Department, the Sacramento Kings, Sacramento River Cats and Sacramento Republic FC.