How Do I Test My Newborn Baby’s Hearing?

Test newborn baby hearing

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 0.3% of babies in the US are born with a “detectable level of hearing loss in one or both ears.”

This condition is usually congenital – despite the fact that 90% of these babies are born to “hearing” parents.

If you’re one of those parents, learning that your newborn may be deaf or hard of hearing can come as a devastating shock. And that’s assuming your baby has been properly tested in the first place.

For many families, this isn’t the case.

Although Californian hospitals automatically screen for hearing in the maternity ward, a growing number of births happen at home where no on-site testing is available. Families in this category might suspect that their baby is deaf or hard of hearing. But they don’t know for sure – and this can often be worse than not knowing at all.

However, the sooner you have your newborn’s hearing tested, the better. Even in cases of severe hearing loss, it’s possible to intervene and ensure your child’s development progresses normally. With the right support and resources, your baby can eventually:

  • Matriculate into mainstream school
  • Thrive with their hearing peers
  • Succeed in the larger world

CCHAT’s Approach to Newborn Hearing Loss Testing

As part of our Early Start Hearing Services, we perform both:

  • Initial newborn hearing screenings for babies who were born at home or at birthing centers that didn’t have on-site screening exams
  • Diagnostic Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) tests for babies who didn’t pass their initial screenings and need more comprehensive evaluative testing

Based on the results of these exams, the CCHAT team will then advise you on next steps – while simultaneously coordinating with your family’s primary care physician and chosen audiologist.

Why Use CCHAT for Your Newborn’s Hearing Loss Test

There are many reasons why families throughout the greater Sacramento area choose to have their babies’ hearing tested with CCHAT.

One of the primary benefits of our approach is that the average wait time is much shorter than what you might experience with most hospital audiology departments. From the moment you schedule an appointment, we can have your baby’s hearing tested in as little as 5 days.

And this quick turnaround is key.

Being deaf or hard of hearing is a challenge. But with early intervention, it’s not an insurmountable one. The sooner you put your baby on the right path, the greater his or her chances of having a healthy, happy, and productive life.

In fact, it’s never too early to focus on corrective solutions like amplification devices and speech therapy, which is why we routinely conduct hearing tests on babies that are only weeks old.

In addition to our short wait times, CCHAT also accepts a range of insurance programs – including California Children's Services (CCS) and Medi-Cal.

Have Your Newborn Baby’s Hearing Tested Today

Since opening in 1996, we’ve conducted thousands of hearing tests for babies throughout Sacramento. And for those who ultimately enroll in CCHAT, we use our carefully designed curricula to guide their social, linguistic, and academic development. With our support, babies who are deaf and hard of hearing consistently matriculate into mainstream schools in the area – where they thrive with their hearing peers.

You can read about some of their experiences by clicking here. However, the one common element in all of these success stories is early diagnosis.

So if you’re worried about your young baby’s development, we encourage you to have his or her hearing tested ASAP.

To get started, schedule a diagnostic evaluation with us today.

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