Parenting a Child with Hearing Loss
The CCHAT Center prides itself on maintaining a staff of listening and spoken language (LSL) experts who provide top-level services to children who are deaf and hard of hearing (DHH). However, helping students with hearing loss achieve their maximum potential requires teamwork between professionals and parents. Parent participation is vital to a child’s success, and CCHAT works hard to ensure families are well-equipped to assist their children through every step of the hearing loss journey.
Who are parents of children with hearing loss?
According to the U.S. Department of Health, more than 90 percent of children with hearing loss are born to hearing parents. The diagnosis and subsequent interventions can be daunting for parents who have little experience in dealing with hearing loss. It is critical that these families receive the necessary resources to help them best support their child.
Why is parent involvement important?
Parent involvement is a critical component in the development of every child who is DHH. The effectiveness of early intervention services, like those provided by CCHAT, are maximized when accompanied by families who implement LSL techniques into their day-to-day lives. For children with hearing loss, this comprehensive education typically leads to better social and academic outcomes.
How does CCHAT help families with children who are DHH?
CCHAT begins instilling the importance of parent participation in its Baby & Me class, designed for children who are 0-18 months. This weekly session with a CCHAT LSL professional is attended by the primary caregiver and child, and it provides a broad set of resources and information to help families start their hearing loss journey on the right foot. Parents are given LSL exercises that they can perform at home, as well as tips on caring for their child’s devices and what to expect in the coming months.
As children progress in the CCHAT program, parent participation remains a critical component to the success of a child with hearing loss. CCHAT staff members maintain regular communication with parents to provide updates on progress and areas of improvement to emphasize. Parents are encouraged to attend speech therapy sessions weekly to learn techniques that they can use to maximize language development outside of school.
CCHAT P3 Group
Additionally, CCHAT is committed to providing a sense of community for its families. The CCHAT P3 Group is a committee of CCHAT parents who meet regularly to discuss a wide range of topics pertaining to parenting children with hearing loss. This gives families the chance to share ideas and gather advice from other parents who are navigating the same journey. CCHAT staff will attend these meetings as requested by the parents to answer any questions and provide further information to benefit the families.
It Takes Teamwork
Children with hearing loss require a strong team to succeed in developing LSL skills. While CCHAT staff are committed to providing the best experience for each child, critical work occurs at home. Parent support is essential, and CCHAT will continue to provide its families with the resources necessary to achieve the best possible outcome for their child.
To find more information and ways in which CCHAT supports parents of children with hearing loss, visit our Parent Support & Resources page.