Wearing a Mask with Your Hearing Aids

Mask Wearing Tips | Oticon - life-changing technology

As many places require masks upon entrance lately, wearing a mask with hearing aids is not the easiest task. See tips and helpful information from Oticon - life-changing technology.

Clever tips to protect your ears and hearing aids while wearing a mask.

  1. If you have long hair, pull it back into a bun and loop the elastics around the bun.
  2. Create a "mask extender" out of fabric or ribbon about 4 inches long. Buttons sewn on either side allows for a place to put the elastic other than your ears.
  3. Sew 2 large buttons onto a soft headband, placing the buttons to line up with each ear. Looping the elastic around each button will take the strain off your ears.
  4. Use masks with string or ribbons that tie in the back. There are YouTube videos on creating masks that tie, which puts absolutely no pressure on the ears.

Tips while communicating when wearing a mask

  • Speak slowly, clearly and at a normal volume
  • Rephrase remarks when not understood
  • Take turns when speaking
  • Make sure hearing aid users have them on
  • Keep background noise in the room to a minimum
  • Face each other (as a safe distance)

Remember when removing your mask...

Check to make sure hearing aids are still in place after removing a mask as they may come off with mask removal.

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