Welcome to Our New Website!

CCHAT New Website

We're excited to announce the launch of CCHAT's new website! We've been working away on improving how we can help parents from around the area find us, get educated, and easily get into contact with us to help their child who is deaf or hard of hearing. 

If you're not already familiar with CCHAT, we are California's only listening and spoken language program north of San Francisco. It is our mission to teach children who are deaf and hard of hearing communication skills for lifelong success such as speaking and listening. Our programs consist of intensive training through working with speech therapists, audiologists, and family members to ensure the success of the children enrolled.

Our new website features information on:

Take a look around and let us know what you think!  

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Ramos Oil Company
Borderlands Bakery
Wallace Kuhl & Associates
Your Smile Photography
Armstrong Creative Co.
Strong Legacy Planning, LLC
Clover Sonoma
Les Schwab

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