Melissa McNamara

Melissa McNamara

Melissa began her teaching career in 2014 and joined the teaching staff at CCHAT in 2019. She earned her B.S. in communication sciences and disorders at the University of Florida and her M.S.D.E. in deaf education from Washington University in St. Louis. Melissa has also had experience working with students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Melissa is certified as a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist (LSLS Cert AVEd) by the Alexander Graham Bell Academy. She also manages a website with resources for parents who are choosing cochlear implantation for their child.

“In deaf education, parents and staff members are teammates. We all have the same goal, and that is success for the child. We can all learn from each other and should work together in every way possible.”

Melissa McNamara, CCHAT Teacher of the Deaf

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