CCHAT Program Spotlight: P3 Parent Group
One of the things that makes CCHAT such a special place is the sense of community between families and staff members. To assist families on their hearing journeys and encourage participation in campus activities, CCHAT created P3, which stands for Parent Program Partnership.
What is P3?
P3 is a parent-driven group that meets regularly to discuss topics related to children with hearing loss. Because families at CCHAT share similar experiences and face many of the same challenges, the P3 group serves as a CCHAT community resource in which parents can glean tips and strategies to use in their daily lives. P3 also helps organize fundraisers and assist with volunteer projects on campus.

Who Can Join P3?
The P3 is led by a parent, currently Chelsea Charter (mom to student Max), and it is open to any CCHAT parent or guardian. Families are encouraged to attend P3 meetings, where they can form a closer relationship with fellow parents and the CCHAT staff.
“Our goal with P3 is to make families feel welcome at CCHAT,” Chelsea said. “We are all dealing with similar challenges and celebrating similar milestones. P3 is a safe space for parents to share, learn and help each other.”
How Does CCHAT Help the P3?
CCHAT is constantly striving to equip families with all of the resources they need as they raise their child with hearing loss. At the request of members of P3, CCHAT will arrange for staff members or other people in the CCHAT community to attend meetings and provide insight into a variety of beneficial topics to families. These guests can include teachers, audiologists, speech therapists, former parents and students.
CCHAT is fortunate to have alumni parents and students on staff who can contribute valuable information to families currently in the program. Additionally, CCHAT will call in outside representatives, such as hearing technology personnel, to share pertinent info on related topics.
What Subjects Does P3 Cover?

Because P3 is driven by parents, topics vary based on what questions arise among the CCHAT community. Thus far this school year, the P3 group has discussed what a child should keep in their hearing-equipment kit at school, as well as how to approach IEP/IFSP meetings. Other topics covered in past meetings include what to expect when enrolling children with hearing loss in sports, toys and gifts that promote listening and spoken language, and tips for preparing your child for the mainstream school system.
Get Involved!
CCHAT P3 is a great way for families to build connections within our community, as well as gain useful knowledge to help them in their daily lives. Meetings typically occur once a month on the CCHAT campus and all families are welcome. If you have any questions about P3, be sure to reach out to CCHAT or a CCHAT parent by using our Contact page.