Dylan White

Dylan White was born on July 4th, 2008. Dylan overcame many difficult challenges at birth. He was born prematurely at 32 weeks without a recorded heart rate for first 11 minutes and 52 seconds of life. Dylan stayed nearly 3 months in Sutter Memorial Neonatal intensive care unit. He underwent multiple life-saving surgeries during his stay due to prematurity and oxygen loss. Dylan's oxygen loss left him with moderate hearing loss in both ears. Dylan began wearing traditional hearing aids when he was 5 months old.
In January 2011, we discovered the services provided at CCHAT after a chance encounter with another parent. Dylan began attending CCHAT within 2 weeks and we noticed a significant improvement in Dylan's verbal communication right away.Within 6 weeks of attending CCHAT, Dylan began vocalizing his wants and needs more and crying less out of frustation. After 2 + years at CCHAT, Dylan is catching up to his older brothers and giving them an earful on daily basis. CCHAT has given Dylan a fighting chance at a life of normalcy we did not expect to happen prior to CCHAT. There is no way we could ever thank CCHAT enough for what they have given Dylan and our family. ~ The White Family